We have updated our Conejo Camp Sequoia Lake pricing to reflect changing market conditions. We are 100% volunteer-staffed, and 100% of your money goes to cover the cost of our program. We have implemented a tiered pricing structure, which offers subsidized rates with no additional application, allowing your family to select the best price for you. At checkout, please choose the pricing tier your family can afford.
Tier 1
This price reflects the actual cost of the camp. This helps cover our insurance costs and upkeep on equipment. Please pay this rate if you are able.
Tier 2
This rate reflects the basic cost of attending camp, including food, staff, program supplies, and limited maintenance expenses. It is partially subsidized.
Tier 3
This heavily subsidized rate reflects the basic cost of attending camp, including food, volunteer staffing, and supplies.
Due to last-minute changes in our operations, we are unable to provide scholarships beyond our subsidized Tier 2 and Tier 3 rates. We are working hard to secure future funding for this vital resource to make camp available for all. As a 501c3, “Camp Sequoia Lake,” we are able to receive tax-deductible donations. Please get in touch with Questions@campSequoialake.info if you or your business would like to sponsor a camper.